Govt urged recapitalise engineering sector

Govt urged recapitalise engineering sector
Published: 26 July 2017
The government has been advised to recapitalise the engineering sector and effectively utilise its broad-based skills to harness revenue for the potential growth of the industry.

Lack of investment and under-capitalisation of infrastructural projects have created a vacuum for the sector to maximise the potential of its highly skilled personnel.

The closure of major companies like ZISCOSTEEL has also dampened the performance of the sector which now has a bloated skilled labour base.

Zimbabwe Institution of  Engineers CEO, Dr Sanzan Diarra however said the sector holds vast potential to emerge as the country's backbone for revenue growth should the government afford the necessary macro-economic investment.

While investments in road construction has been important in  bringing hope for the sector, investing companies have mainly subcontracted local engineers, hence underutilising the potential in the industry.

A combination of sound policies and enhanced injection of recapitalisation funds are viewed as critical tenets to reviving the engineering, iron and steel industry in the country.

- zbc
Tags: Iron, Steel,


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