Buy Zimbabwe this festive season

Buy Zimbabwe this festive season
Published: 22 November 2013
Traditionally the festive season is a period when companies the world over stock up with various goods and services in anticipation of increased sales due to Christmas shopping. This is a time when most people tend to spoil their loved ones with presents after getting their bonuses.

For some, priority will be on ensuring that children have all that they need for the new school term before joining in the merrymaking.

The hassles of January disease and school fees are factored in and besides merrymaking, most parents know of a coming dark and cold day
Markets also take a more colourful spirit of reverie, punctuated by music and all things beautiful.

The festive season is sure a carnival time as a lot will be happening and the spirit of goodwill will be abound.

In the United States of America, most shops register record sales on Christmas Eve, December 24, because this is the time most shops offer bargain sales.

According to statistics, sales on this day normally account for close to a quarter of annual sales.

Market analysts have even begun to watch closely the spending patterns on that day to determine whether the economy is in a buoyant mood or heading for a recession.

This phenomenon was also common in Zimbabwe before the decade of economic challenges.

While the cheer returned in 2009, after the adoption of the multi-currency regime, not everyone has been enjoying the festive mood since then, due to the fact that some companies have been closing down resulting in the loss of jobs.
However, this does not necessarily have to be the case, if we play our part to reverse the tide of company closures.

Industry and Commerce Minister Mr Mike Bimha has already shown his intention to fight company closures and job losses after declaring that Government was committed to ensuring that Zimbabwe can win the war against imports.

He has declared war on smugglers at border posts and assured the nation of a comprehensive review of tariffs to ensure that industries secure raw materials at a lower cost and that those products that are manufactured here are fully supported.

With this kind of support, it has become critical that consumers and retailers play their part in making sure that this festive season is one where jobs are saved.

Some retailers have realised their obligation to supporting this initiative and have joined Buy Zimbabwe in launching promotions aimed at ensuring that local goods and services enjoy preference.

Some of these retailers include OK Zimbabwe and N Richards who have put together enticing packages exclusively aimed at supporting the local industry.

Through the Buy Zimbabwe Christmas promotion they have identified a number of incentives and put together packages that should see local shoppers not only having a better understanding of Zimbabwean goods but securing such product at bargain prices.

This is the spirit each and every patriotic Zimbabwean should embrace, to make sure our industries survive.

Most companies that have brands or products that will be part of the promotion have indicated that they want to show the local market that their products are as good, if not better than imports.

The onus is now on the consumer to support this initiative through their purchasing power, in order to drive production in our industries.

We also expect that Government, which managed to pay bonuses to civil servants at a time when its coffers are running on razor thin margins, to do two things.

It needs to ensure that all office supplies, teas, biscuits, milk, water, drinks and other consumables, are made up of local products.

The South African government has banned the purchase of imports for its office supplies, and so why should we take our hard-earned money and use it to procure their goods.

Government can also encourage civil servants to spend their bonuses on locally produced goods especially the ones that are competitive in terms of pricing and quality.

If civil servants spend their bonuses on local products there will be several spin-offs for the economy.

We are certain a fair share of well-meaning Zimbabweans will take heed of that appeal to spend at least some of their money on Zimbabwean goods.

The ruling party, Zanu-PF, should also encourage delegates that will attend its forthcoming conference to buy locally manufactured goods.
While our festive season may lack the pomp and fanfare that has characterised previous seasons, we have the power to use the time to make choices that secure our country's future.

Buy Zimbabwe, OK Zimbabwe and N Richards must be commended for making the bold decision to invest in Zimbabwean goods this festive period.

The special appeal is for Government, political parties and consumers to complement this noble gesture by ensuring that they buy local this festive period.

Till we meet again, Lets Go Local this festive period.

The gesture will secure our wealth, save jobs and retain the Zimbabwean pride.

Zimbabwe is our country and it's everyone's responsibility that we help her grow to her former status.

Email:, Cell 00263773751878
- Buy Zimbabwe
Tags: BuyZimbabwe,


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